Sugar and spice and a lot of left curve balls.

When i was in high school, i wanted to be a teacher so badly. This was my plan and i was gonna hang out with children all day and be Jess from New Girl and rule the world. Then i took early childhood development for two years and found myself baking all the time. I baked for special events at my youth group. I baked everybody’s birthday cake. I scanned through millions of cook books and found myself wondering how everything works and really enjoying the process. The idea of being a teacher didn’t leave my brain, it just took a back seat to a greater plan.

I would go to a fancy culinary school, i would teach cooking classes on the weekends for extra cash. I would obsess over movies about bakers and i would dream of teaching baking classes to children and families on weekend evenings at my very own store front. I was gonna achieve it and rock it and own it and win win win win. Ahh to be young. Sound familiar?


Love and hope and butter and dreams